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Skin Cancer

Early detection of skin cancer is crucial for successful treatment.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer, characterized by the abnormal growth of skin cells, is more common than many believe and can affect anyone, regardless of skin tone.

Skin cancer originates in the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, and can develop in areas exposed or not exposed to the sun. There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

Types of Skin Cancer and Their Symptoms

Skin cancer predominantly manifests in areas most exposed to the sun, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms, and hands, and even on the legs in women.

However, it can also surprisingly arise in areas that rarely see daylight, such as the palms of the hands, underneath the fingernails or toenails, and the genital area.


Symptoms for each type of cancer can vary, but the most common ones include:

Basal Cell Carcinoma

  • It commonly appears in sun-exposed areas, like the neck or face.

  • Manifests as a waxy or pearly bump.

  • It can appear as a flat, scar-like lesion, brown or skin-colored.

  • It may also be a crusted or bleeding sore that heals and returns.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

  • Occurs in sun-exposed areas, like the face, ears, and hands.

  • It may appear as a firm, red nodule.

  • It also presents as a flat lesion with a scaly, crusted surface.


  • It can form anywhere on the body, even on existing moles.

  • Affects men on the face or trunk and women on the lower legs.

  • It can arise in areas not exposed to the sun, such as men and women.

  • Signs include changes in a mole's color, size, or feel, as well as painful lesions or those with irregular edges.

Less Common Types of Skin Cancer

  • Kaposi's Sarcoma: Develops in the blood vessels, causing red or purple patches. It mainly affects people with weakened immune systems.

  • Merkel Cell Carcinoma: Causes firm, shiny nodules on the skin, often on the head, neck, and trunk.

  • Sebaceous Gland Carcinoma: is a rare and aggressive cancer that originates in the sebaceous glands. It presents as hard, painless nodules with a higher incidence on the eyelid.

Skin Cancer Treatment

Early detection of skin cancer is crucial for successful treatment. Oncologists play a key role in identifying and treating suspicious skin lesions. Depending on the type and stage of cancer, treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, targeted therapies, or immunotherapy.

Can Skin Cancer Be Prevented?

Preventing skin cancer is possible by adopting healthy practices, some of which include:

  • Avoiding sun exposure during peak hours.

  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

  • Wear protective clothing and sunglasses.

  • Avoiding tanning beds and photosensitizing medications.

Risk Factors for skin cancer

Several factors increase the risk of skin cancer, such as having fair skin, a history of sunburns, excessive sun exposure, and atypical moles. Family history, a weakened immune system, and exposure to toxic substances are also significant considerations.

When to See a Dermatologist for a possible skin cancer?

Collaboration with dermatologists and specialized oncologists ensures a comprehensive approach to managing this disease. Adopting preventive measures and seeking medical attention for any changes in the skin are fundamental steps toward healthy, cancer-free skin.

If you notice skin changes that concern you, we recommend scheduling a consultation with a dermatologist. At BlueNetHospitals, we can provide you with specialized medical care. Remember, regular monitoring and early detection are essential for effective treatment.


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