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Sepsis is a medical condition representing an emergency because the infection can spread very quickly


An inflammatory response to an infectious process that may trigger a failure of one or more organs and systems

Sepsis is a serious, life-threatening medical emergency. It is caused by the body's response to an infection - in the skin, urinary tract, lungs, or elsewhere. The origin of that infection can be located anywhere in the body, such as: - triggering a whole-body reaction. Bacterial infections are the most common cause of Sepsis. 

Sepsis develops when chemicals in our Immune System act as a fighting response to an infection and are released unevenly throughout the bloodstream, causing inflammation that, when it gets worse, leads to septic shock. 

There are three stages: Sepsis, Severe Sepsis, and Septic Shock. If you have any of the following symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Without prompt treatment, Sepsis can lead to very rapid tissue damage and organ failure.

Symptoms and Diagnosis



  • High fever or hypothermia

  • A heart rate of more than 90 beats per minute

  • The existence of a confirmed or probable infection

  • Tremors or chills

  • Confusion or disorientation

Severe Sepsis:

  • Reduced urine production

  • Changes in mental capacity

  • Discoloration spots on the skin

  • Breathing problems

  • Unconsciousness

  • Extreme weakness

  • An abnormal heart function

Septic shock:

  • Symptoms of Severe Sepsis

  • Very Low Blood Pressure

Diagnosis of Sepsis

There are some tests that your doctor will perform if you have symptoms related to Sepsis. One of the main ways to diagnose Sepsis is through blood analysis and imaging studies to detect abnormalities and suggestive pathological data.


Causes and Risk

Causes of Sepsis

Sepsis can be caused by bacterial, fungal, parasitic, or viral infections. The places and types of infection that can trigger Sepsis are:

  • Bloodstream

  • Liver or Gallbladder

  • The skin (through wounds, skin inflammation or cellulite)

  • Abdomen (appendicitis, intestinal problems, peritonitis)

  • Central Nervous System (Brain or Spinal Cord Infections)

  • Lungs (Bacterial Pneumonia)

  • Urinary Tract (urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis, urosepsis)

  • Bones (common in children)


Preventing an infection from spreading is very important to avoid Sepsis. Some ways are:

  • Receiving all recommended immunizations

  • Have good hygiene: in addition to bathing and washing your hands regularly and adequately, wound care is essential

  • If you have any signs of infection, seek medical attention immediately

  • Timely removal of bladder and IV tubes when they are no longer needed

Who's at risk of Sepsis?

Sepsis can affect anyone, but those patients who are at particular risk are:

  • Adults over the age of 65

  • Pregnant women

  • People with pre-existing infections or medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, etc.

  • People with weak immune systems, such as those with HIV

  • People with severe injuries such as burns or extensive injuries

  • Patients with catheters or breathing tubes

Remember, Sepsis is a medical condition representing an emergency because the infection can spread very quickly—every minute counts. If you have any of these infections or symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Call BlueNetHospitals now!


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