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Brain Lymphoma: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Brain Lymphoma: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. Make your appointment at BlueNet Hospitals

Brain Lymphoma: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Primary lymphoma of the brain is a cancer of the white blood cells that begins in the brain.


The cause of Primary lymphoma of the brain is difficult to determine. People with a weakened immune system are at increased risk for primary brain lymphoma. Some of the reasons in which a primary cerebral lymphoma can appear are:

  • Having had an organ transplant (especially a heart transplant)
  • Age, it is more common between 45 and 70 years


The following signs and symptoms of Primary lymphoma of the brain may occur:

  • Changes in personality

  • Confusion or hallucinations

  • Seizures

  • Coordination problems

  • Headaches

  • Fever

  • Lean-to the side when walking

  • Loss of sensitivity

  • Weightloss

  • Vision or speech problems

Diagnosis of a Primary lymphoma of the brain

If the patient presents a case of Primary lymphoma of the brain disease, the Neurosurgery specialist will perform a physical examination and measure your height and ask questions about your symptoms, lifestyle, and medical history.

We group some of the possible tests that could be carried out:

Treatment of a Primary lymphoma of the brain

Primary lymphoma of the brain is a severe disease; the affected person should start the treatment provided by his Neurosurgeon as soon as possible. Otherwise, he could die. 

The most common methods of treatment include:

  • Chemotherapy 

  • Medications (corticosteroids) 

  • Blood pressure medications 

  • Radiation therapy to the brain

Living with Primary lymphoma of the brain

Being diagnosed with Primary lymphoma of the brain disease is a tough situation; however, the right information and the support of your family and close ones can help you manage this condition. 

Following are the most common recommendations to deal with this disease:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle could help improve the quality of life

  • Family support is vital; understanding of common symptoms is required to react appropriately and be patient

  • Go for follow-up visits with the Neurosurgery doctor

  • Get enough rest

¿When to go to a doctor?

The Neurosurgeon is the specialist in charge of treating this type of disease and will evaluate memory wear and other thinking skills.

Make your appointment with the Neurosurgeon to present any of the mentioned symptoms or to detect another abnormal symptom.

When consulting your doctor, we recommend keeping a record of your pain with a detailed description of the symptoms, duration, and what you think triggered them. Also, mention any medications you are taking.

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