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Brain Contusion

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury or damage, probably caused by a strong impact to the head.

Brain Contusion

A Concussion is a Traumatic Brain Injury that occurs when the head hits an object hard or a moving object hits the head. This commonly affects your brain function momentarily. It leads to severe headaches, loss of consciousness, or decreased alertness. Most of the time, the effects are temporary.

Causes of Brain Contusion

  • Car accidents

  • Fights

  • Falls

  • Sports injuries

Symptoms of Brain Contusion

Most of the people with a concussion have suffered a serious injury with a loss of consciousness. The following symptoms may occur:

  • Seizures

  • Motor coordination

  • Difficulty thinking

  • Unable to control emotions

  • Problems with sense perception (sight, smell, hearing)

  • Headache

  • Fainting, dizziness, nausea

  • Light and noise sensitivity

  • Disorientation or confusion

  • Amnesia and babble

  • Increased reaction time

Risk factor's of Brain Contusion

Some risk factors are injuries that generate inflammation or bleeding, which can complicate and cause damage to the brain tissue of the affected person.

Diagnosis of a Cerebral contusion

A doctor specializing in Neurology will be in charge of making a diagnosis based on a physical and neurological examination, taking into account your symptoms, lifestyle, and medical history.

We have grouped some of the possible tests that might be done to confirm if you have a Brain Contusion:

  • Tomography (CT)

  • If the bleeding is minor, the affected person will be kept hospitalized and under observation for a maximum of one week

  • If the bleeding is severe, affected people are usually admitted to an intensive care unit

Treatment of cerebral contusion

Treatment can vary depending on the gravity of the injury.

Cases of severe bleeding are admitted to an intensive care unit. Doctors maintain stable vital signs and administer oxygen or supplements to help the person breathe.

Some people may need sedation since excess muscle activity can increase pressure on the brain and further damage brain function. In the event of seizures, anticonvulsants will be administered.

The doctor will use an intracranial pressure gauge or catheter to measure the pressure in the brain.

Living with a Cerebral Contusion

In general, the affected person is usually unconscious for a short time (for a few minutes) or for a longer time. When they wake up, they often find themselves sleepy, confused, restless, or restless. They may have vomiting, seizures, or problems with balance or coordination. The ability to think and control of the senses and emotions is usually affected.

We group the following recommendations: 

  • Avoid stress 

  • Rest your body and mind 

  • Follow all your doctor's instructions and recommendations 

  • Attend all review visits 

  • Call the doctor if you have headaches 

  • Eat healthily 

  • Avoid exposing yourself to intense light or loud noise

It is possible to reduce the risk of suffering a concussion by following these tips: 

  • Be sure to always use the seat belt and drive safely

  • Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs 

  • Wear appropriate protective equipment for your sport

  • Don't use a mobile phone while driving 

  • Avoid fights and rough games

When to see a doctor?

If you have suffered any of the conditions mentioned above or suffered a substantial impact on the head, rapidly go to a doctor, the Neurologist is the specialist in charge of treating this type of sufferings; You can go directly to the BlueNetHospitals Emergency Room in Los Cabos or call an ambulance at 624 1043 911. They will probably use a computed CT SCAN .

BlueNetHospitals - Hospital Los Cabos
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