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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Supplies guide: Coronavirus

Let's avoid making panic shopping during Coronavirus Quarantine!

Supplies guide: Coronavirus

Being in quarantine doesn't mean feeding only on instant soups and buying all the toilet paper available at the supermarket. Planning supplies and basic necessities in advance can help you have a better time these days of confinement.

Not all of us know the right way to deal with a pandemic or a quarantine because we haven't all had an experience like this before, but what we do know is that stockpiling products are definitely not the best strategy to stay healthy.

Accumulating toilet paper, antibacterial gel, wet wipes, and masks in industrial numbers are not the best solution. It's true, all these things are necessary, but they are not the only things needed to keep you in quarantine. It is also indispensable to be empathetic when it comes to shopping. 

Leaving your neighbors or your community without the possibility of getting some of these items (because you are just storing them), does not help to prevent the spread of the virus; but on the contrary, this can generate an opposite effect since there will be those who have a greater risk of becoming infected due to a lack of these supplies and eventually in your community there will be a greater risk that you end up infected.

1) Planning will be your best friend. Make an assessment first of those things you already have in the pantry, medicine box, or cleanroom. From there, it will be easier for you to make a list of what you could prepare and what items you already have at home.

It is important to note that when you go to the supermarket, it is wise to enter only one person per family, disinfect the cart or basket you take there, keep a distance from other persons there, avoid touching your face including mouth, nose, and eyes and wash your hands very well for 20 seconds before and after shopping to prevent Coronavirus.

2) 3 weeks of supplies. Frankly, almost all of the food, personal care, and cleaning supplies you already include on your super-common list are what you should have now as well. 

Here's a list of examples of foods you can buy:

  • Canned: Tuna, sardine, vegetable mix, peas, corn, tomatoes... thanks to their long life are very handy.
  • Dry food: Canned foods are not the only non-perishable foods; it is important to have rice, pasta, beans, lentils, oats, and seeds such as nuts, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds.
  • Olive or sunflower oil: This healthy source of fat will be an indispensable tool when cooking.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: It is not necessary to remove fresh foods from our diet during this quarantine period; however, we should think about those that usually have more longevity such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, onions, oranges, apples, and pears.
  • Bread: Bread is a very versatile item that we can use in many recipes, so don't forget that it can be frozen and be used whenever you need it.
  • Milk: Consider buying those brands that come in tetra pack because, before opening, you can keep them in your pantry for up to a month. If you have already opened a bottle of milk, it can be refrigerated may be up to 10 days. Look for healthier options such as soy, coconut, almond, or rice milk.
  • Beverages: don't forget to buy other drinks you enjoy, like coffee, tea, and juices.
  • Eggs: This is a great source of protein, as well as a delicious breakfast.
  • Frozen foods: Broccoli, cabbage, spinach, strawberry, mango, raspberry, peach... these fruits and vegetables are an excellent choice to have in your freezer. And of course, it's an excellent option to have chicken, seafood, or meat in your freezer.
  • Don't forget the condiments: Ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, peanut butter, soy sauce, some sauce, sea salt, pepper... will significantly enrich the flavor of your food.
  • Last but not least: WATER! Experts on the subject calculate that an adequate amount is one gallon for each person in the house (don't forget to count your pet) and keep yourself very hydrated.

Remember! This is a situation in which it is very important to stay healthy. The healthier the diet, the better your defenses will be. Now more than ever, it's time to make those simple dietary changes.

3) Your pets also eat: calculate the amount of whatever food you give your pet, as well as water and sand for cats, doggie pads and diapers, and if they're undergoing treatment, they need medication are another need to add to the shopping list.


4) First aid kit: In general, it is always recommended to have one of these at home for any kind of minor emergencies that may arise. A box with:

  • Bandages
  • Cotton
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Alcohol
  • Bandages
  • Gauze
  • Medicines such as aspirin and Acetaminophen are a good option

During the Coronavirus Quarantine, it is better not to go to the Hospital unless it is really necessary. 

5) Personal hygiene: 

  • Hand Sanitizer based on 70% alcohol
  • Soap (liquid or bar)
  • Toilet paper (only what you really need)
  • Shampoo
  • Toothpaste
  • Rake
  • Female towels or tampons


6) Cleaning the house:

  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Disinfectant cleaner to be used on floors, walls, bathrooms, and kitchens
  • Clothes and dishes soap
  • Disinfectant spray

7) Prescription medications: if you require this, make sure you have a 30-day supply. 

8) Anything to keep you busy and distracted: In times of Coronavirus crisis, mental health is a priority. Try to keep your mind awake by doing puzzles or legos, coloring books or mandalas, crossword puzzles or sudoku.

If you want to know more ideas about activities at home that you can do at home, check out this article for all the tips for survival during the quarantine.

And remember:  Get tested

Where can I get a test for COVID-19 in Los Cabos?  Visit our link to find more information about it. 

Why is COVID-19 testing important?  COVID-19 testing will help you protect your family, your community, and yourself.

It will save lives!

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