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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Going to the beach or pool during COVID-19? Keep this in mind!

Is it safe to visit the beach during a pandemic? Should I use a mask? Should I disinfect my beach chairs? Is COVID-19 spread through water?

Going to the beach or pool during COVID-19? Keep this in mind!

In many places around the world, specifically in the Northern Hemisphere, we are in the hottest season of the year, summer. In many places, beaches and swimming pools are beginning to open up, and the heat makes us wonder if it is possible that during this pandemic caused by the Coronavirus, we can go out to some of the places we visit to relax, play, swim or exercise. 

We ask ourselves whether it is possible that the COVID-19 disease could be transmitted or spread through water (whether from the sea, oceans, lakes, pools, water parks, or hot tubs).

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published on its website the following considerations for measures that can be taken both in the water (from a pool or beach) and on land, so the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 do not increase.

Unless you are in lockdown or quarantine, it's okay to enjoy the outdoors as long as you maintain social distance from anyone you don't live with.

Remember that a virus-free pool doesn't mean there aren't risks outside. You can get COVID-19 from touching a contaminated surface or from person-to-person contact. 

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting or spreading the virus:

Before you go:

  • Stay home if you have symptoms of COVID-19

  • Stay home if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 or are waiting for your COVID-19 test results 

  • Stay home if you were with someone with COVID-19 in the last few days

  • If you have or live with someone who is over 65 or has a serious illness

  • Measure your body temperature

  • Find out what the current level of spread is in your community. If the level is very high or in red light, you should not go out

  • Carry hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, disinfectant wipes, Face Mask and disposable tissues.


Maintain social distancing in and out of the water.

  • No matter what you are in or out of the water, keep a distance of 6 ft from people

  • Avoid crowded beaches and pools where it may be not easy to maintain social distance

  • When you are not in the water, use your Face Mask at all times

  • Avoid sharing items such as swimming equipment, toys, food, and other

  • If it is necessary to share it, do not forget to clean and disinfect it between each use

  • If you don't have your mask on, cover your face when you cough and sneeze with a tissue or the inside of your elbow


After you leave:

Although chlorine inactivates the virus, it's no substitute for proper handwashing, after you leave the pool or when you retire from the beach:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds

  • Clean and disinfect all objects you have brought with you (glasses, toys, chairs, and swimming equipment)

You may be lucky enough to live near a very isolated beach, and you can visit it feeling safe. While the health authorities in your community have not ordered that the beaches and pools be closed, a walk on the beach is a great way to exercise, distract yourself and deal with the stress and anxiety that the Coronavirus has caused in many people. 

However, if you can't maintain a distance of at least two meters between others because it is a busy beach or pool, then the beach or pool is not the right place to be.

And remember:  Get tested! 

Where can I get a test for COVID-19 in Los Cabos?  Visit our link to find more information about it. 

Why is COVID-19 testing important?  COVID-19 testing is an important way to protect your family, your community, and yourself.

It will save lives!

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