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Advanced General Surgery

Inguinal hernia and exercise?

Inguinal hernia is not necessarily an impediment to exercise. Consult your doctor about the exercises that are most suitable for you.

Inguinal hernia and exercise?

Having a hernia is not necessarily an impediment to exercise. The specialist in treating the inguinal hernia is the General surgeon; he will be in charge of conducting a review and providing the necessary care to have when performing any physical activity.


Inguinal hernia symptoms: 


  • The appearance of a lump in the area on either side of the pubis Burning sensation or pain in the area of ​​the lump 

  • Pain or discomfort in the groin, especially when coughing, bending over or lifting weights 

  • Feeling of heaviness in the groin 

  • Weakness or pressure in the groin 

  • Sometimes you can have pain or inflammation in the area around the testicles when the protruding part of the intestine descends and enters the scrotum



Following are some of the causes for which an inguinal hernia could appear:

  • Increased pressure within the abdomen

  • Pregnancy

  • Do strenuous activities

  • Straining when urinating or defecating

  • Chronic coughing or sneezing

  • A pre-existing weak point in the abdominal wall



Before starting any exercise routine, it is important to know the patient's health status; in this way, the doctor can make sure that you practice the appropriate exercises for your conditions.


The specialist in Advanced General Surgeon will perform a physical examination to diagnose an inguinal hernia. He will check for a lump in the groin area. The General Surgeon may ask you to perform different actions such as; stand up, cough, exert yourself; these actions will allow you to determine if there is a hernia.


In the case of the General Surgeon, you need more tests; you can perform the following imaging tests:


It is possible that after the first session, the doctor will suggest you perform certain gentle exercises such as walking, doing ellipticals, or stationary cycling. These types of exercises are recommended to improve cardiovascular fitness and to work the whole body, as long as there is no discomfort in the hernia.


In case of suffering discomfort or pain, you should pause the exercise and go to the doctor for a check-up.


It is advisable to condition the muscles for exercises that carry strength or weight. As you improve your endurance and strength, you can increase the weight or the repetitions, as long as it is a moderate effort.


Low impact sports such as yoga, Pilates, and swimming will only be recommended if the instructor knows the injury and recommends these exercises to improve our physical health, endurance, and flexibility without damaging the hernia.



If the hernia is not large and does not cause you discomfort. Your Medical General Surgeon might recommend that you wait and see your progress.


Depending on your situation, the doctor might suggest using a support truss to help alleviate the symptoms; the doctor must check it since the garment must adapt correctly to your body. In children, the doctor may apply manual pressure to reduce the lump before having surgery.


Large and discomforting hernias often require surgery to avoid serious complications.


In the case of having an Inguinal Hernia and exercising, do not forget to maintain continuous contact with your doctor to receive more specific and timely information on this subject.


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