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Periodontal (Gum) Disease

When gingivitis is not treated correctly, it can become "periodontitis" (inflammation around the tooth). Periodontitis makes the gums move away from the teeth and form gaps that get infected (also known as "gumboils")

Periodontal (Gum) Disease

What is a Peridontal Disease?

When gingivitis is not treated correctly, it can become "periodontitis" (inflammation around the tooth). Periodontitis makes the gums move away from the teeth and form gaps that get infected (also known as "gumboils") The body's immune system fights the bacteria as the dental plaque extends and grows underneath the gum line. The bacterial toxins and natural response from the body start destroying the bone and the conjunctive tissue that keeps the teeth on its place. When periodontitis does not get treated properly, the bones, the gums and the tissues holding the teeth gets destroyed. As time passes, the teeth may become loose and it has to be removed.


What is the cause?

Our mouth is full of bacteria, these, along with the mucus and other particles, are constantly forming a sticky and colorless plaque in the teeth. The brush and usage of dental floss help to get rid of this plaque. When the plaque is not removed, it gets solid and froms deposits called "tartar" that simple toothbrush cannot remove. Only a professional clean performed by a dentist can eliminate tartar.

Risk Factors:

Smoking habit, Smoking is one of the most significative risk factors related with gum diseases and its development, smoking can also lower the effect of some treatments.

Hormonal changes in girls and women. These changes can make gum more sensitive making it more easy for the gingivitis to develop.

Diabetes, people with diabetes have a higher risk to develop infections, one of these is periodontitis.

Other diseases. Diseases, such as cancer or AIDS and their respective treatments, can also worsen the gum health.

Genetics. Some people are more susceptible than others to have a worse case of gum disease



Risk factors:

  •        Smoking habit, Smoking is one of the most significative risk factors related with gum diseases and its development, smoking can also lower the effect of some treatments.
  •        Hormonal changes in girls and women. These changes can make gum more sensitive making it more easy for the gingivitis to develop     .  
  •        Diabetes, people with diabetes have a higher risk to develop infections, one of these is periodontitis.
           Other diseases. Diseases, such as cancer or AIDS and their respective treatments, can also worsen the gum health.
  •        Genetics. Some people are more susceptible than others to have a worse case of gum disease.



  •         Bad breath
  •         Red or swollen gums
  •         Sensitive and bleeding gums
  •         Pain while chewing
  •         Loosen teeth
  •         Sensitive teeth
  •         Teeth larger than normal


What is the treatment?

The main objective of the treatment is to control the infection. The number and the type of treatments may vary, it depends on how far the disease has gone. Any type of treatment requires the patient to keep the daily dental care at home. The doctor also may suggest some behavior changes, (i.e quit smoking) as a way to show better results of the treatment.

Deep dental cleaning 

Odontologist, or Periodontist removes the plaque with a deep cleaning method called scaling and root planing. It consists on removing the tartar above and underneath the gum line. Root planing removes the rough area the root may have where the germs acummulate. This thelps to remove bacteria that helps the disease, in some cases a laser can be used to help to remove the plaque and tartar, this procedure results in less bleeding, inflammation and uncomfortableness while performing it.


Scaling and root planing