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4 Signs of Bipolar Disorder You Need To Know

Bipolar Disorder? It is a mental illness recognized mostly by sudden extreme mood swings, these episodes can last hours, days, even weeks or months. These mood changes may become mixed so the patient might feel elated and depressed at the same time.

4 Signs of Bipolar Disorder You Need To Know

Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness recognized mostly by sudden extreme mood swings, these episodes can last hours, days, even weeks or months. These mood changes may become mixed so the patient might feel elated and depressed at the same time. Bipolar disorder is not a rare diagnosis, nowadays over 2 million people in Mexico and 5 million in the United States are living with some form of bipolar disorder.

Here we show you 4 common signs of bipolar disorder you might need to be aware of!


Overly great mood

Bipolar disorder is characterized by up and down episodes , hypomania is also a symptom of the disorder, this is a high energy state, in which the patient feels extremely excited, it can be a very enjoyable state, they have a lot of energy and creativity, even experience euphoria, this is considered the “up” side of the disorder. 

Accelerated Speech

Even though some people are very talkative, one of the most common symptoms of bipolar disorder is pressured speech, this occurs when the patient is not in a multiple way conversation. The patient will talk rapidly and if someone else try to speak they will just talk over them.

Alcohol or drug abuse

Half of people with bipolar disorder also have substance abuse problems, particularly alcohol. Many people will drink when they are in a manic phase to slow themselves down, they use alcohol to improve their mood when they feel depression.

Sleep problems

People with bipolar disorder often have sleep problems. During a depression phase they may sleep excessively and feel tired most of the time and during the manic phase, they may not sleep enough, even with just a few hours of sleep each night they may feel great and have lots of energy.

There is no doubt that bipolar disorder is a serious issue, if you relate or known someone who might have this disorder, make an appointment with an specialist to get proper treatment.

Also make sure to check the latest content of our #Psychology week!


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